All Episodes

Displaying episodes 1 - 30 of 176 in total

176. Why Our Managers and Supervisors Often Fail

You can’t build a sizable company alone.You need capable leaders to help you reach goals, meet expectations, improve, and address issues.But not all the people we prom...

175. How Many Procedures Should My Company Have?

Anyone who has read a business book since 1992 knows that we need to document how we do things – for a wide variety of good reasons.But how many procedures is the righ...

174. How Can We Better Manage Customer Relationships?

It could be said that our success and fate will largely be determined by how well we manage our customer relationships.So how can we get better at this?Tune in and I’l...

173. How do I Address Conflict Within My Team?

If you’re going to have employees, eventually there will be conflict between them.How should we address, resolve, and reduce the frequency of those distractions?Stay t...

172. A Key to Determining When the Team 'Gets it'

Many hours can be seemingly wasted trying to drive home the same point, over and over again.It can be frustrating and maddening for us – especially when the problem pe...

171. Getting Genuine Buy-in on Customer Service Expectations

Sometimes it’s harder to get genuine buy in on customer service expectations than getting buy in on expectations with the technical work we do.We talk about how we mus...

170. How Can I Make Sure My Business is Scalable?

Dan writes in and asks “How can I ensure my business is scalable?”While there are many ways to answer this, I’m going to focus on the 3 things that I think were the bi...

169. Three Priorities We Must Sacrifice to Grow

By default, we want it all.All the time… All the money… The comfort, simplicity, and ease…And especially all the growth!But, there are many periods of time in which we...

168. A Basic, Three-Step Manager Training Process

We need to put good managers, leaders, and decision-makers in place to build a business that doesn’t require us to oversee every import decision, or drive every critic...

167. The Exact Moment I Knew We Were Going to Crush it

As entrepreneurs and business leaders, we are much more likely to have massive concerns of failure than we are to huge amounts of confidence that our success will exce...

166. What are the Best Practices for Talent Acquisition and Retention?

As talent availability is beginning to open up a little bit, it’s time to start thinking about how we will go get - and keep – the talented employees that will help us...

165. How Can We Improve Our Operational Efficiency?

We all want more efficiency. But it can be so elusive!This week I’ll explain what I think the obstacles are, and then stay tuned to hear what I did to gain real effici...

164. What are Effective Methods for Conducting Competitor Analysis?

A listener, named Chris wrote me and asked “What are effective methods for conducting competitor analysis?”Tune in and you’ll hear my answerCheck out Brian's new group...

163. A Case Study on How Not to Handle the Frustration of Rising Wages

It’s been hard to stay on top of wage increases and employee expectations the last few years.Knowing when to grant wage increases and when to say no has been challengi...

162. What are Some Tips When Promoting a New Supervisor or Manager?

Promoting a supervisor is an amazing time. It’s can really be exciting.And, sometimes, there is also a steep learning curve – which is not so awesome for everyone.Luck...

161. How Can We Develop a Stronger Company Culture?

One of the most common questions I hear when people find out what I do for a living is “How can we develop a stronger company culture?"Tune in and I’ll share how I typ...

160. Us Against the Solution Box

How did I make sure I was focused on the parts of my customers’ journey I thought could make the most impact on sales, retention, and word-of-mouth advertising?I compe...

159. How Can I Define My Company's Competitive Advantage?

You know your company is great.And you want potential customers and referral sources to know too.But it’s not easy to put your greatness into words.Why is that?More im...

158. How Can I Better Understand My Target Market?

It’s almost impossible to articulate how hard our lives are when we don’t understand our clients.And, once we truly understand customers, and potential customers, our ...

157. The Gift That Keeps on Giving

This week we are going to talk about quitting – or rather not quitting.I share a couple of statistics about podcasting that will blow your mind, and then of course we’...

156. Perfect Procedures or Imperfect Processes?

Everyone knows we need to get our processes and procedures documented and in place.But there is a lot of confusion around this topic, from general understanding to spe...

155. What Went Wrong, Not Who Did Wrong

Like you, I’ve seen, worked with – and for – some great bosses. I’ve also seen, worked with, and for, some that taught me about the kind of leader I don’t want to be.O...

154. Perhaps the Biggest Mechanical Growth and Scaling Restrictor

No doubt there are several reasons business leaders and owners are held back from growing their teams and companies.Today I’m going to talk about the critical reason t...

153. When You're in Charge, How Will You be Held Accountable?

We spend the vast majority of our lives reporting to someone: parents, teachers, bosses, and even spouses.But, when you grow your company, you no longer have that pers...

152. The Top Three Reasons Most Training Doesn't Work

Most business leaders and business owners feel like they spend a ridiculous amount of their time repeating the same things over and over.Simultaneously, those same bus...

151. Questions to Answer Before Doing More Work on Your Procedures

For many, a major project ahead is getting processes and procedures in place and documented.This can be a daunting task.Today, I hope to make the work of documenting y...

150. Do This so You Can Better Tell Your Story Later

One day you are going to want to tell your success story.Today, I’m going to share something I did which made remembering, appreciating, and telling my story a lot eas...

149. Is Your Training Creating the Outcomes You Want?

Training is expensive.So for the investment in wages, revenue we give up to hold the meetings, and our own energy and effort put into preparation, we surely want to se...

148. What is Leadership?

Next to religion (AKA the bible) and sales, there are perhaps more books written about leadership than any other topic.But what is leadership?Tune in and I’ll tell you...

147. How You Are Crushing it!

You are crushing it. Yes you.Often, we can get overwhelmed and fatigued and forget just exactly how we are crushing it.Tune in and I’ll tell you how I know you are mak...

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